Update: 2024/06/04
16/18T超伝導マグネットシステム 16/18/LLD-TN (Oxford Instruments)
最大16T(ラムダプレート仕様時18T)まで印加可能な超伝導マグネット。プローブは温度範囲によってVTI (300K ~1.8K)、Heliox (10K~0.25K)、希釈冷凍機 (1K~50mK) を使い分けています。サンプル空間はφ3.0cm。
PPMS-1 (Quantum Design)
基本的な物性測定を全て全自動で行なう事ができる装置です。3台所有しており、目的によって使い分けています。 1号機:電気抵抗のみならず比熱、ゼーベック係数、熱伝導度といった基本的な物性を全て測定できます。 また3He冷凍機インサートを用いることで、0.35 Kの極低温まで測定を行うことが可能です。最大磁場9T。温度範囲0.35 K~ 400 K。
SQUID磁化測定装置 MPMS3 (Quantum Design)
MPMS3は、SQUID(超伝導量子干渉素子)を使用することにより超高感度の測定を可能とした磁気特性測定システムです。本装置では低温(1.8K-400K)かつ高磁場(~7T)を印加した状態で容易に試料の磁化測定行うことが可能です。また、Oven オプションを導入するとMPMS3の温度範囲を300~1,000 Kまで拡大することが可能です。
PPMS試料試料回転用プローブ (P310A)
3He-4He希釈冷凍機 Kelvinox MX100 (Oxford Instruments)
3He-4He混合液の希釈冷凍法により、100 mK以下の温度を定常的に保つことのできる冷凍機です。 超伝導マグネットと組み合わせること で、最大10 Tまで磁場を印加することが可能です。比熱、電気伝導、SQUID AC/DC磁化測定、誘電率測定を行うことができます。 下の写真は希釈冷凍機インサートの真空容器内部です。
PPMS-2(Quantum Design)
2号機:電気抵抗測定に特化した装置です。ローテータを用いて磁場角度回転の測定も可能です。最大磁場9T。温度範囲1.8 K~ 400 K。
温度可変インサート付き統合型無冷媒マグネットシステム:TeslatronPT (Oxford Instruments)
一軸圧力セル (Razorbill Instruments)
3He-4He希釈冷凍機 Kelvinox 25 (Oxford Instruments)
3He-4He混合液の希釈冷凍法により、100 mK以下の温度を定常的に保つことのできる冷凍機です。 超伝導マグネットと組み合わせることで、9 Tまで磁場を印加することも可能です。主に電気伝導、交流帯磁率測定に使用しています。 下の写真は希釈冷凍機インサートの真空容器内部で、最下部に取り付けてあるのは圧力セルです。
PPMS-3(Quantum Design)
3号機:最新型のPPMSでモジュールによりオプションを追加する形になっています。本装置には熱電および抵抗測定オプションが搭載されており、ゼーベック係数、異常ネルンスト係数、熱伝導率などを主に測定するのに使われています。最大磁場9T。温度範囲1.8 K~ 400 K。
PPMSや希釈冷凍機中で使用することのできる小型の熱膨張・磁歪計です。キャパシタン ス法により、試料サイズの変化を0.02オングストロームの精度で測定できます。
温度可変インサート(VTI)(Cryo Industries)
1.5 Kから室温まで、試料空間内の温度を変化させることのできるインサート。 ここに自作した各種インサート、プローブを 組み合わせることで交流帯磁率、誘電率等の各種物性測定を行うことが可能です。
16T/18T superconducting magnets (Oxford instruments)
This high field magnet can go up to 16 T (18 T using a lambda refrigerator) and is well suited for measurements using the dilution refrigerator, the He3 Refrigerator, and the VTI.
Physical property measurement system PPMS-1 (Quantum Design)
SQUID magnetometer MPMS3 (Quantum Design)
The magnetic property measurement system MPMS3 uses SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices) to enable ultra-high sensitivity measurements. The system can easily measure the magnetization of samples at low temperatures (1.8K-400K) and high magnetic fields (~7T). With the oven option, The measurement temperature range can be extended to 300-1,000 K.
Sample rotation probe for PPMS
This PPMS probe comprises a sample rotation mechanism for measuring field angle dependence of electrical transport properties.
3He-4He dilution refrigerator MX100 (Oxford Instruments)
This dilution refrigerator can achieve an ultraslow temperature of 20mK. We can carry out various configured experiments with this it, such as specific heat, electrical resistivity, Hall effect, SQUID AC/DC magnetization, dielectric constant, and thermal expansion.
Physical property measurement system PPMS-2 (Quantum Design)
Cryogen free magnet with VTI (Oxford Instruments)
This magnet is cryogen-free and with a pulse-tube refrigerator. The maximum field value is 8T. The variable temperature insert (VTI) and the 3He refrigerator (Heliox-VT) can be installed into this magnet for measurements over a wide temperature range from 0. 28K to room temperature.
Uniaxial pressure cells FC100 (Razorbill Instruments)
It allows researchers to tune the electronic and magnetic properties of materials by applying stresses to samples. It could operate at temperatures down to below 1K and at a high magnetic field.
3He-4He dilution refrigerator Kelvinox 25 (Oxford Instruments)
This dilution refrigerator reaches a base temperature of about 35 mK and ensures the thermal environment's high stability with its large cooling power (25 uW at 100 mK). It fits both the 16 T or 9 T superconducting magnets.
Physical property measurement system PPMS-3 (Quantum Design)
High-resolution capacitive dilatometerr (Innovative Measurement Technology Kuechler)
This compact capacitive dilatometer allows high-resolution thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements in high magnetic fields. It is sensitive to tiny sample length change on the order of 0.002nm and is adaptable to both PPSM systems and dilution refrigerators.
Variable Temperature Insert (VTI) (Cryo Industries)
This cryogenic probe can measure various physical properties such as resistivity, ac-susceptibility, and dielectric constant from room temperature down to 1.5 K.
超高真空セレクティブスパッタ装置 ES-390(Eiko)
光磁気カー効果イメージング測定装置(Quantum Design社)
高温環境真空低温プローバー GRAIL10-305-5-LV-HT-MG-R (Nagase Techno.)
機械式冷凍機を搭載しており、液体冷媒を使用せずに20 Kの低温から473 K(200 ℃)の高温まで電気・熱輸送特性の評価を行うことが可能です。
サンプルに多数の測定点が含まれる場合、全ての測定点に半自動的に針を当てて測定を行うことができるプローバです。面直方向に最大で1.6 Tの磁場をかけることも可能です。
分子線エピタキシー装置 (Eiko)
2T電磁石搭載 高真空低温多目的測定装置 (サーマルブロック社)
最 大 2T の磁場を印可しながら様々な形状のサンプルを真空中、15-325 Kで測定できる装置です。サンプル自身が回転できる機構を有し、磁場方向を自由に変えられるため、磁場依存性だけでなく、磁場方向依存性の測定も可能です。
超高真空スパッター装置ES-250L (Eiko)
イオンミリング試料加工装置 EIM-1000/電子ビーム蒸着
高周波測定真空低温プローバー GRAIL10-305-3-2RF-LV-MG-R (Nagase Techno.)
低温~室温までの幅広い温度域において、 ノイズの小さい高周波測定を行うことが出来る装置です。
磁界中回転プローバ装置 (Toei Scientific Industrial)
Ultra-high-vacuum sputtering system ES-390(Eiko)
This system having 9 sputtering targets is used to synthesize
and anneal thin films with magnetron sputtering.
Magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) Imagining measurement system (Quantum Design)
This system can measure the longitudinal, transverse, and polar magnetooptical Kerr effects in an applied magnetic field of 1.5T. It offers high-resolution magnetic-domain imagining via CCD or scanning laser microscope, and is well suited to study magnetic properties of thin films and magnetic nanostructures.
Vacuum and high-temperature probe station for electrical and thermal transport measurements (Nagase Techno.)
This prober can measure electrical and heat transport properties from 20 K to 473 K (200 ° C) without an external supply of cryogenic liquid.
Semi-auto prober
This prober can automatically contact all measurement points on the samples. It can also make a perpendicular magnetic field up to 1.6 T.
Molecular beam epitaxy system(Eiko)
This system with K-cells and RHEED is used to synthesize thin films by molecular beam epitaxy, anneal the sample and observe the film growth.
Low-temperature, high-vacuum multi-purpose measurement system with a 2T magnet (Thermal Block Company)
This device can measure samples of various shapes under a high vacuum environment at 15-325 K under a magnetic field up to 2T. The sample stage rotation mechanism enables us to explore the field angle dependence of various physical properties.
Ultra-high-vacuum sputtering system (Eiko)
This sputtering system contains magnetron sputtering guns that can operate in both DC and RF mode. We simultaneously sputter seven targets, five in a revolver type sputtering gun, and two in the co-sputtering type sputtering gun.
Ion milling system EIM-1000 /Electron beam evaporation
system (Eiko)
In this system, ion milling using an end point detector and electron beam deposition with 5 materials can be used.
Vacuum and cryogenic probe station for high-frequency measurements (Nagase Techno.)
This prober allows for low-noise high-frequency measurements over a wide temperature range.
Rotary Magnetic Field Prober (Toei Scientific Industrial)
Rotating prober in magnetic fields for the evaluation of electrical and magnetic properties in magnetic fields.
It has a stage that allows the sample to be rotated to any angle in the Θ and φ directions in a magnetic field generated by an electromagnet of up to 2T.
3領域での温度制御(Max. 1,200℃.)が可能なチューブ炉。この炉では温度勾配を用いた化学輸送法による単結晶育成等が可能です。
最大電流 1,000A
最高使用温度 2,200℃
最大昇温速度 300℃/min
高真空下においてアーク放電により溶解した金属間化合物の単結晶を引き上げる装置。 フラックス法とは異なり、大型の単結晶の育成が可能です。
ブリッジマン炉 (クリスタルシステム)
Mono-arc furnace
This apparatus is used for the synthesis of alloys and polycrystals of intermetallic compounds. It contains a single electric arc at the top, which melts the starting materials in the argon atmosphere.
Three-zone furnace
This is a three-zone tube furnace that has three temperature zones with precise temperature controllability. Thi furnace is used for single crystal growth by the chemical transportation method.
Centrifugal separator
This apparatus is for removing flux from single crystals grown by the flux method at high temperatures.
Spark Plasma Sintering machine (FUJI ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.)
This system performs sintering by pulse electric current heating under the applied pressure of ~90 MPa.
This system can raise temperature rapidly, and easily perform densification.
We mainly use this for synthesis of thermoelectric materials.
Maximum current: 1000 A
Maximum operation temperature: 2,200 ℃
Maximum heating speed: 300 ℃/min
Tetra-arc furnace
This apparatus is well suited for growing large single crystals of intermetallic compounds. It contains four electric arcs to melt the starting materials under a high vacuum. The material undergoes continuous rotation to ensure homogeneous melt throughout the growth process.
Changeable atmosphere horizontal furnace
This tube-type horizontal furnace allows annealing in either vacuum or any gas environment (e.g., O2 gas). Temperature is tunable up to ~ 1,550℃.
Box Furnace
This is our most frequently used furnace that allows heating sequences up to 1,150℃.
Melting furnace
This furnace is used to make samples in vacuum or Argon gas.
Bridgman Furnace
This apparatus is Bridgman furnace that synthesizes single crystals by slowly descending in a furnace with an argon atmosphere and temperature gradient.
It is possible to synthesize large single crystal.
High-temperature vertical cylindrical furnace with a controlled atmosphere
This vertical furnace is suitable for high-temperature growth (max. 1,600 ℃) with the MoSi heating element. It contains an exhausting system that enables single crystal growth of intermetallic compounds by the flux method in oxygen-free conditions.
Welding system
We carry out various sealing and welding tasks here, such as vacuum sealing of quartz tube for crystal growth.
Glove Box (Miwa Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)
This device enables operations under a high-purity inert gas
atmosphere. It is primarily used for handling unstable substances in
the air.
試料水平型X線回折装置 SmartLab-LP (理学電機)
自動X線回折装置 RINT-2100/PC (理学電機)
粉末試料にX線を照射し、その回折パターンから結晶構造に関する情報を引き出します。10 Kまで試料を冷やして測定を行うことができます。また、ラウエカメラ(後述)も搭載されています。 最大定格出力: 2kw 定格電流、電圧: 2~60mA, 20~60kV 安定度: ±0.01%以内 ターゲット: 封入管 Cu
イメージングプレート単結晶自動X線構造解析装置 R-AXIS RAPID II (理学電機)
イメージングプレートを用いた3軸の単結晶X線回折装置。ほぼ自動で単結晶の格子系 を特定してくれるため、物質開発にとって便利な装置です。
ラウエカメラ Laue X-ray Imaging System (Photonic Science)
RINT-2100の管球を使用し、単結晶の方位決定を行えます。 スクリーンにCCDセンサーを用いられているため、高感度な測定が可能です。リアルタイムにスポットが観察できます。
Horizontal sample mount X-Ray diffractometer (Rigaku)
This versatile X-ray diffractometer provides structural information of both powders and thin films. It has a powerful light source of 9kW and a hundred times higher detection sensitivity than conventional ones. It is a user-friendly system, with integrated guidance software enabling fully automated measurements.
X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku)
This X-ray diffractometer is used for determining the composition and structural information of powder samples. It has a Cu target and a maximum output of 2kW. The allowed current and voltage ranges are 2-60 mA, and 20-60 kV, respectively, and the lowest measurement temperature is 10 K.
Single-crystal X-ray diffractometer with an imaging plate(IP) detector (Rigaku)
This is a high-resolution triaxial single crystal X-ray diffractometer with a curved, large-area imaging plate detector. This system is particularly suited for small single crystals, allowing fast identification of their structure, lattice parameters, and orientation. The X-ray source is a Cu target.
Backscattering Laue X-ray imaging system (Photonic Science)
This Laue machine is used for determining the single-crystal orientations. It contains a CCD camera (Photonic Science) that allows fast image acquisition with high resolution, and a goniometer with an accuracy of 1 degree. The X-ray source is a RINT-2100, W target.