東京大学大学院 理学系研究科物理学専攻 理学部物理学科
中辻・酒井 研究室
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
Nakatsuji・Sakai Laboratory
When you are interested in Nakatsuji–Sakai Group as your prospective group for graduate studies, please feel free to contact Satoru Nakatsuji (satoru_at_phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp) or Akito Sakai (akito_at_phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
For prospective students
Below is the slide for the introduction to our Group.
Please see the webpage of the Department of Physics, UTokyo for general information on admission (e.g., exams).

JST-CREST・さきがけ「トポロジー」領域 公開シンポジウム 講演動画 「トポロジカル磁性体が切り拓く次世代情報・エネルギー技術:超低消費電力メモリとフレキシブル熱電デバイス」 (YouTube)
JST news 2021年9月号 (DOWNLOAD) (PDF)
応用物理第90巻4号(2021年) 「トポロジカル磁性体が拓く新たな応用展開」(DOWNLOAD) (PDF)
固体物理2020年11月号「磁気八極子によるワイル磁性体の巨大磁気応答制御」 (DOWNLOAD) (PDF)
まぐね13巻5号(2018年) 「トポロジーを利用した反強磁性スピントロニクスとエネルギーハーベスティング」(DOWNLOAD) (PDF)
応用物理第86巻(2017年) 「反強磁性体における巨大異常ホール効果」(DOWNLOAD) (PDF)
Job openings
Postdoc position for project research is available (sometimes it might be closed).
If you are interested in our group, please contact Satoru Nakatsuji (satoru_at_phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for further information.
We always welcome the postdocs on the JSPS Postdoctral Fellowship Program.
For prospective students
Empowering the next-generation of quantum science experts
Making real-world impact
We always welcome applications from international students with diverse academic and cultural backgrounds. Here we would like to give a few advertisements for our group.
Our research topics and expertise have excellent breadth and depth. Don’t worry if you are unsure about your interests and strength at the starting of the graduate program, as you may find an exciting trajectory for yourself while exploring a broad spectrum of research topics, techniques, and collaborative opportunities.
Our top-notch experimental efforts are well-known worldwide, and many of our research projects involve global collaborations. You will have chances to learn from world-leading experts in condensed matter physics and related fields, as well as presenting your work at international conferences.
Our group is diverse, with English being the second official language. The success of the team is linked to contributions from many international students and researchers. We work hard to create an inclusive workspace that minimizes the frustration of language barriers and cultural differences. Feel free to reach the international members in our group if you wonder about their experiences of living, studying, and conducting research in Japan (their contact information is in the member page).
Our students stand out from scholarship competitions. There are a variety of graduate scholarship available for international students in Japan. Nearly half of our international students are scholarship holders, and you may become the next one.
If you are interested in joining our group, please email Prof. Satoru Nakatsuji (satoru_at_phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp).