東京大学大学院 理学系研究科物理学専攻 理学部物理学科
中辻・酒井 研究室
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
Nakatsuji・Sakai Laboratory
Leading industry-academia collaborations
Achieving business success
Our research has the potential to spark innovations in diverse areas. We heartily welcome industrial partnerships and donations to transform our cutting-edge discoveries to highly-functional and affordable products. Together, let us achieve breakthrough technologies and create a future that looks brighter than the present.
【Current application-oriented research themes】
Quantum Computation
【Ongoing innovative research projects】
Strategic Basic Research Programs (CREST) “Functional Magnets and Devices based on Topological Electronic Structures
Design of topological magnets, development of their spin conversion technology and innovative memory devices, etc.
NEDO Research Program of Innovative Energy and Environmental Technologies (adopted in 2019)“Development of Thermoelectric Devices using Weyl magnets”
Development of thermoelectric module, heat flow sensors and measurement systems using magnetic thermoelectric effect
For inquiries or further information, please email Satoru Nakatsuji (satoru_at_phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)